Second Trimester Video Clips #5-#8

Vídeo Clip #5

I chose this video clip because it is very funny as Mushu makes everything so that Mulan is not with anyone else. I think it was too selfish with it and that is not to be a good friend either. Video Clip #6
chose this video because it is one of the funniest parts of the movie . When I see it as a reason that falls smiles and shouts that attaches great laugh. I like when dad and brother come running to find out what happens and screaming and also gives video clip 7 I like this scene from this film because while Butchs talks about his scar the face of the dinosaur is very funny I like also like the children are amazed by his father. video clip 8 I love this part because his mother turned into a bear and she tries to talk to brave but can not because it is a bear and she tells him not talking bear and laughable.