Blog Post #16: Breakfast Club

I impact with the personality of John who are very problematic and loved to be in fights and always is in frequently punished. I think that everyone has something great in the movie, but I think that Brian ers very clever and therefore think it is the most great and least for my I think that Allison by so many lies and be somewhat strange. Actually I dont compare mi self with one of then because I dont have nothing yo compare, I think. I agree because each one has its own personality and its own way of thinking and not because it not like someone we must change since May to others our personality seems real and special.

Assesment #15: Star Wars

I’ve seen star wars the Third and the last. The third is when Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader and when Padme will have a son. I would recommended the 3 which was the most caught my attention,much action is and this is where a lot of history where it came Darth Vader is. I think they are popular for their effects in the movie and the actions as it is capturing more the attention in the Movies, Also they are very good actors who choose.

Assesments #14 Zatura

I yes I interact a bit since I’ve been fighting with my brother who has not been very great thanks to God but if they have been a problem in my family, and my parents have gone through the process of divorce and it has not been easy having them separated but is better as well. If there are many times that happens good or bad events in our lives. Just be communication between everyone because it is essential in our lives since we won’t know without communication problems.

Blog Post: #13 Alíen

I agree because in mystery movies that is like the base of a mystery . Mama , Paranormal Activitie , among others. The more money left between these two was Paranormal Activiti .I think he did do good work the director , I think if used computer effects in the film. I think they fear for their suspense in the film and the sound that put him .

Blog Post #12 Inkheart

I think that it would be very interesting to make your, your own book and to have more knowledge about things or present moments or thoughts you have. Actually I have not started to think that way, but probably yes, because they j many experiences about life and events to find out what to write, and that purpose have in the book.I could say that Yes, maybe one fool can be thinking about doing things for a person and more if there are things that stop you from. Enrealidad not I love reading. For me were three things from adventure mystery and love, as there was an adventure by get, mystery because you never knew that it would come out of the book all the time or if encintrarian what they wanted and love because everything was made for love. I think that a book can change your way of thinking or your intellect. It is a way of looking at the world from another perspective since sometimes it is real and in others it is not.

Blog Post 11 Princess Bride

In this movie you can compare overall with many other films, so that it is of royalty and like all the other princesses that end with the man they love and everything ends up happy. I think if the true love of all ways and every angle that I think I want to see if it is real only that sometimes we do not give the necessary importance to the issue of love. Love touches all times no matter who or how or where or whatever.  Love is inevitable, and that no one has already saved because the family is love, another person is love and God is love above.

Blog Post 10 popeyes

I think my favorite is ¨Everything is food¨ because what he says is reality endeed. I really liked the place is very nice, is a place that could never forget so beautiful, Ilove the beaches and all. I think it was the perfect place to shoot that movie. My favorite part was when he founds his father and began to compare with and watch that closely resembled, and had the same physical features, I liked that part and made me laugh.

Blog Post 9 Little Boy

Well, actually I think there is still much prejudice and many things we must fix and also being criticized all the time for everything and that’s not right and I think that one should better person. The hardest part was JOINING Hashimotto friend, and as easy as I thought it was a sick visit. Sometimes we see others in a different way and we get carried away by appearances and not finished we know the person and that is wrong because we can not put ourselves in the head something that maybe is not true. If the changes when he realizes that his pride is nothing compared to what enrealidad is to know a person such as Hashimotto. I think the seed is as a motivation to think that no matter how small can do many things. The list is as a guide to right and boots a symbol of loyalty and I love.

Blog Post #8 Arthur’s Christmas

this movie is of course about Christmas and Arthur is receiving all cards from all the world’s children and Santa was to give all children their gifts but will remain a girl without receiving their gift and I were forgotten. And then Arthur as always received letters for children because he knew that one was missing and he wanted her to receive her bicycle was asked what she had with many ances and was with grandfather and an assistant to take your gift to that girl because if one child was missing from the christmas gift would be totally damaged .